Welcome toThe Germ Stop Safety ProgramCollect Soiled LinenReceive Soiled LinenLaundry ProcessingFinishingReturn Resident's LinenDrugs and Alcohol Recieve & Sort Soiled Linen Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used when handling soiled linenPersonnel with any exposed lesion must cover it with a protective waterproof dressing.Identify soiled linen by colour coded bag, tag or dissolvable bagSoiled Linen must never enter Clean Area Separate trolleys must be used for clean and soiled linenPersonnel must remove personal protective equipment and wash their hands before entering a clean areaKnow your Policy for handling sharps or foreign objectsClick to make Her SafeENTRYClean Linen OnlyENTRYSoiled Linen OnlyClick here to Process the Laundry© Commonwealth of Australia 2008